Rafa demands at least £300,000 from NOTW

News filtered through yesterday about Rafa Benitez litigation against the News International group (owners of The S*n and the News of the World).

Benitez had promised earlier this year that he would take this action.

Rafa is suing the NOTW newspaper and it’s ‘journalist’ Rob Beasley.  According to Rafa the article entitled “It’s your fault! Benitez in new blast at owners” was dematory, embarrassing, injured his reputation and caused him upset.

In the ‘story’ Beasley suggested that Rafa blamed the club’s owners for the on field disappointment and that Rafa was shirking responsibility.  According to Rafa, the story also suggested he was disloyal and looking for any excuse as a reason he didn’t win the title.

Rafa believes that Beasley concocted the story based on effectively a very poor translation of an interview he gave with El Mundo in Spain.   It is believed that there is a clear personality clash between Beasley and Benitez, and anybody who reads our forum will be all to aware of Beasley.

Amongst many other discussions have a read of this thread and watch the video clip of Beasley.

Beasley is on record, remember he is supposed to be an impartial journalist, as saying:

“I’m not a fan of Benitez the manager and Benitez the person because I think he’s a bit snide and secretive. He tries to use the press to then ignite the fans – who adore him at Liverpool – to try and put pressure on the owners.

“If you remember not that long ago there was that classic press conference when Benitez showed his petulance and stupidity to the extreme where he’d had a tiff, they’d wrapped him across the knuckles and said ‘keep your head down, focus on coaching and training the players – that’s your job’.

Anyway, just so you know which one he is in that video interview this is him.

Oh, and journalists love to get emails from fans. I’m sure he’d love you to wish his team, Chelsea, the best of luck on Wednesday.


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